Map and Aerial View of 7140 N Salisbury Road
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This is a 1-unit building located at 7140 N Salisbury Road in the West Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles. It was built in 1964 and has a total of 1 units. The building is classified as a "101" by the City of Los Angeles. The building's owner is listed as Gogiltan Wasler, Elena. It has a total area of 2853 square feet. The building is zoned as LARE11. There have been 13 calls to 311 regarding issues at this building, and 0 code compliance cases.
This building is in the riskiest 10% of similar-sized buildings in West Hills.
Our AI predicts there is 79% chance of this building experiencing no major maintenance issues in the next 12 months.
Total units | 1 |
Year built | 1964 |
Total area | 2853 sq ft |
Tax Abatements | None |
Building Class | 101 |
This data represents the number of enforcement cases opened by the Department of Building and Safety (DBS) for the building from 2016-2022.
This data represents the number of requests for investigations of conditions at the building.
This data represents the number of calls to 311 regarding the building from 2016-2022. May include routine requests for service.
This data represents the number of construction permits issued for work at the building from 2016-2022.
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Ownership data from the Secured Roll (property tax) provided by the LA County Assessor.
Name | Address |
Gogiltan Wasler, Elena | 7140 Salisbury Rd West Hills CA 91307 |
We cross-reference landlords' property tax registrations to find the other buildings they own or manage.
Address | Units | Code Enforcement Cases | Risk rating |
From CA Court Service & DocketAlarm Note: name matching only, verify parties are actually the owners by reviewing the case files!
Date Filed | Case Title | Court | Link |
Year Built | Units |
Built after 1974 | Less than 2 units |
The table below shows the 311 housing complaints received regarding the conditions at 7140 N Salisbury Road. The information includes the status date, category, ID, type and status of each complaint. The data is sourced from 311.
Date Created | Type | Action Taken | Date Service Rendered | Status |
The table below shows the service requests received by the Department of Building and Safety regarding the conditions at 7140 N Salisbury Road. The information includes the date received, type, description, response days, case opened and case number. The data is sourced from the Department of Building and Safety.
Date Received | Type | Description | Response Days | Case Opened |
The table below shows the code enforcement cases opened by the Department of Building and Safety regarding the conditions at 7140 N Salisbury Road. The information includes the date opened, date closed, type, status and case number. The data is sourced from the Department of Building and Safety.
Date Created | Date Closed | Type | Status |
The table below shows the sales of 7140 N Salisbury Road. The information includes the sale date and sale price. The data is sourced from the LA County Assessor-Recorder.
The table below shows the building permits submitted for 7140 N Salisbury Road. The information includes the issue date, type, category, description and status of each permit. The data is sourced from the Department of Building and Safety (DBS).
Submitted Date | Issue Date | Type | Description | Status | Valuation |
The table below shows the building permits issued for 7140 N Salisbury Road. The information includes the issue date, type, category, description and status of each permit. The data is sourced from the Department of Building and Safety (DBS).
Submitted Date | Issue Date | Type | Description | Status | Valuation |
The table below shows the electrical permits submitted for 7140 N Salisbury Road. The information includes the issue date, description and status of each permit. The data is sourced from the Department of Building and Safety (DBS).
Issue Date | Description | Status |
The table below shows the elevator permits submitted for 7140 N Salisbury Road. The information includes the issue date, description and status of each permit. The data is sourced from the Department of Building and Safety (DBS).
Creation Date | Type | Status |
The table below shows the foreclosures for 7140 N Salisbury Road. The information includes the foreclosure date and lender. The data is sourced from the Los Angeles County Recorder's Office.
Foreclosure Date | Lender |