Map and Aerial View of 920 Thieriot Avenue
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This is a 21-story, 459-family house located at 920 Thieriot Avenue in the Soundview neighborhood of Bronx. It was built in 1965 and has a total of 459 units. The building is classified as a "" by the Department of Buildings. The building's owner is listed as . It has a total area of 490000 square feet, with square feet of residential area. The building is zoned as and has a lot area of square feet. There have been 137 calls to 311 regarding housing issues with this building, and the landlord has received 467 Housing Maintenance Code complaints and 568 Housing Maintenance Code violations. It has received 153 ECB violations and Housing Maintenance Code violations. There have been 37 evictions from this building.
--> This building is in the riskiest 10% of buildings in Soundview.
Our AI predicts there is 4% chance of this building experiencing no major maintenance issues in the next 12 months.
Total units | 459 |
Year built | 1965 |
Total area | 490000 sq ft |
Floors | 21 |
Tax Abatements | None |
Building Class | Hereafter Erected Class A |
This data represents the number of complaints filed with the Department of Buildings (DOB) for the building.
This data represents the number of Class B & C code violations issued by HPD regarding conditions at the building.
This data represents the number of issues found during rodent inspections conducted by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene at the building.
This data represents the number of work orders issued by HPD for the building.
This data represents the number of evictions conducted by the Marshalls Office for the building.
This data represents the number of bedbug infestations reported to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) for the building.
This data represents the number of repair and vacate orders issued by HPD for the building.
This data represents the number of tax & water liens issued by the Department of Finance for the building.
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Landlords are required to register with the Housing Preservation Dept every year. If they don't, they are barred from evicting tenants for non-payment! Landlord details, including names and addresses, are public business records.
Role | Name | Address |
We cross-reference landlords' HPD registrations to find the other buildings they own or manage.
Address | Units | Code Violations | Evictions | Bedbug Infestations | Risk rating |
From NYS Court Service/DocketAlarm Note: name matching only, verify parties are actually the owners by reviewing the case files!
Date Filed | Case Title | Court | Link |
Year Built | Units | RGB registration | Tax abatement |
Built after 1974 | Less than 6 units | Not registered | None found |
The table below shows the 311 housing complaints received regarding the conditions at 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the status date, category, ID, type and status of each complaint. The data is sourced from 311.
Status Date | Category | ID | Type | Status |
The table below shows the Department of Buildings complaints received regarding the conditions at 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the date filed, status, descriptor and details of each complaint. The data is sourced from DOB.
Date Filed | Status | Descriptor | Details |
The table below shows the indoor environment complaints received regarding the conditions at 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the date, type, description and status of each complaint. The data is sourced from DOHMH/311.
Date | Type | Description | Status |
The table below shows the Housing Maintenance Code violations received regarding the conditions at 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the date filed, date abated, item, category and status of each violation. The data is sourced from HPD.
Date Filed | Date Abated | Item | Category | Status |
The table below shows the Environmental Control Board violations received regarding the conditions at 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the date, number, respondent, description, status, penalty and balance due of each violation. The data is sourced from ECB.
Date | Number | Respondent | Description | Status | Penalty | Balance Due |
The table below shows the HPD litigation records for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the open date, case type, status, judgement, penalty and whether harassment was found. The data is sourced from HPD.
Open Date | Case Type | Status | Judgement | Penalty | Harassment found |
The table below shows the liens for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the tax class, month, water only, and amount. The data is sourced from the Department of Finance.
Tax Class | Month | Water Only |
The table below shows the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings cases for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the date, agency, respondent, charge, result, penalty, and status. The data is sourced from OATH.
Date | Agency | Respondent | Charge | Result | Penalty | Status |
The table below shows the Alternative Enforcement Program (AEP) records for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the start date, start violations, discharge date, and status. The data is sourced from HPD.
Start Date | Start Violations | Discharge Date | Status |
The table below shows the vacate orders for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the effective date, rescinded date, reason, type, and units. The data is sourced from DOB.
Effective Date | Rescinded Date | Reason | Type | Units |
The table below shows the work orders for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the date created, type, description, and charge. The data is sourced from HPD.
Date Created | Type | Description | Charge |
The table below shows the landmarks violations for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the issued date, description, status, and rescinded date. The data is sourced from LPC.
Issued Date | Description | Status | Rescinded Date |
The table below shows the evictions for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the executed date. The data is sourced from the New York City Civil Court.
Executed Date |
The table below shows the rat inspections for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the inspection date, type, and result. The data is sourced from DOHMH.
Inspection Date | Type | Result |
The table below shows the bedbug infestations for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the file date, infested units, eradicated units, re-infested units, filing start date, and filing end date. The data is sourced from DOHMH.
File Date | Infested Units | Eradicated Units | Re-infested Units | Filing Start Date | Filing End Date |
The table below shows the fire violations for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the violation date, description, status, and number. The data is sourced from FDNY.
Violation Date | Description | Status | Number |
The table below shows the fire certificates for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the certificate type, holder name, expiry date, and number. The data is sourced from FDNY.
Certificate Type | Holder Name | Expiry Date | Number |
The table below shows the fire inspections for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the last visit date, last full inspection date, last full inspection status, and number. The data is sourced from FDNY.
Last Visit Date | Last Full Inspection Date | Last Full Inspection Status | Number |
The table below shows the fire summary for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the siamese sprinklers, sprinkler type, open violation notices, and open violation orders. The data is sourced from FDNY.
Siamese Sprinklers | Sprinkler Type | Open Violation Notices | Open Violation Orders |
The table below shows the sales for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the sale date and sale price. The data is sourced from the New York City Department of Finance (DOF).
Sale Date | Sale Price |
The table below shows the building permits for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the permit type, permit status, and permit number. The data is sourced from DOB.
Creation Date | Type | Status | Job |
Creation Date | Status | Description | Job |
The table below shows the elevator permits for 920 Thieriot Avenue. The information includes the permit type, permit status, and permit number. The data is sourced from DOB.
Permit Date | Permit Type | Permit Description | Status |