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Latest San Francisco apartment reviews

2425 24th St, San Francisco

Landlord practices in-person harassment tactics on a long-term Rent Controlled Senior and Disabled tenant. Withholds repairs. Non-equal treatment of the Tenants in newer renovated Townhouses. Construction Harassment. Reporting Building violations involving safety are ignored and constitute more harassment.

2427 24th St, San Francisco

Landlord practices in-person harassment tactics on a long-term Rent Controlled Senior and Disabled tenant. Withholds repairs. Non-equal treatment of the Tenants in newer renovated Townhouses. Construction Harassment. Reporting Building violations involving safety are ignored and constitute more harassment.

2427 B 24th St, San Francisco

Landlord practices in-person harassment tactics on a long-term Rent Controlled Senior and Disabled tenant. Withholds repairs. Non-equal treatment of the Tenants in newer renovated Townhouses. Construction Harassment. Reporting Building violations involving safety are ignored and constitute more harassment.

As seen in


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I hope folks who use landlord-friendly @StreetEasy when looking for an Apt balance w/ Augrented and other resources to know their rights.

Rick B


the tldr version of how i research apartments:
1) find a listing i like, after choosing a neighborhood/area and price point
2) look up address on augrented, scan all of the public info

Stephanie L


Tenants...vetting slumlord -developer malfeasance? Homework has been done...go to either @augrented or @JustFixNYC & get a profile & other data on predator owner/mgrs!

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